What Happens If Your Lawyer Misses A Deadline?

Courts like to keep their process running smooth. Indeed, given how overwhelmed most courts are with cases, it’s imperative. The consequences for missing a court deadline can be strict and severe. Some are even required by statute. In other situations, your lawyer may be able to fix their mistake. Could you lose your case because [...]

What Happens If Your Lawyer Misses A Deadline?2021-01-12T17:33:45+00:00

What You Need To Know About Asbestos

DamagesRenovations to LSU’s Memorial Tower have halted after discovering asbestos in the tower. The university says the situation does not pose a threat to students or faculty. Although this situation poses no threat, asbestos exposure is a serious issue. “Abestos exposure is a danger to human health that can lead to serious diseases including asbestosis, [...]

What You Need To Know About Asbestos2020-09-22T18:48:34+00:00