Did Your Attorney Have A Conflict Of Interest In Your Case?

When your attorney took on your case, you likely assumed that they would prioritize your interests over their own. You may have discovered, though, that they have a conflict of interest in representing you. No matter your attorney’s reputation, this conflict may have affected your case’s outcome. It is important, then, to hold them accountable [...]

Did Your Attorney Have A Conflict Of Interest In Your Case?2021-01-12T17:45:47+00:00

Why Lawyers Fail

When your lawyer makes a mistake that impacts your case, you might have a claim against your lawyer.  Examples of common mistakes are when your lawyer misses important deadlines or fails to handle your case appropriately.  While lawyers are not guarantors of a particular result and are not expected to never make mistakes, some mistakes [...]

Why Lawyers Fail2020-08-28T16:13:58+00:00

The Truth About Lawyers

As a client, it is no secret what standard of care an attorney owes to you. An attorney is recognized as having legal knowledge and skill superior to that of an ordinary person.  As a result, an attorney is held to a more demanding standard of care. An attorney should exercise the skill and knowledge [...]

The Truth About Lawyers2020-08-28T16:09:21+00:00